With a husky team through the forests of the Ruppiner Lakeland

With our dog sledding courses you experience the dogs in their original element: pulling sledges or wagons.

You can choose whether to drive your team yourself or take a seat in the car of an experienced musher (sled dog guide) as a passenger.

The tours are a central part of each course and take you into the woods surrounding Frankendorf. Their length is between 30 minutes and 2 hours, depending on the selected experience.

A special feature of our courses (except the Hälla course) lies in their degree: At the end of the tour, the dogs are cared for together and then the huskyrudel is on hand! You follow the animals into their natural enclosure, look for places and then allow the dogs to contact you. In addition to the expert explanations of an experienced musher, you can experience pack behavior directly here, learn something about the body language of the dogs or learn how new dogs are integrated into an existing pack.


Hundeschlitten-Kurs "Valvatten"

Der Fokus diese Kurses liegt auf der Tour selbst: dem aufregenden Start des Gespannes, der flotten Fahrt durch die umliegenden Wälder und der Zusammenarbeit der Hunde im größeren Team. (Teilnahme als Passagier, Gespann mit ca. 10 Hunden, Fahrt ca. 20 min.)

from € 98.-


Participation in husky training (approx. 4 hours, max. 2 participants)

On this training day all pack members should get exercise. Depending on the season, training takes place on different lengths. The aim is a good physical condition, command security and, above all, an age-appropriate exercise program.

from € 269.-


Mushing course "Sörnoret"

Intensive Workshop during the winter months, tour length of 15-20 km (participants drive their own dog team)

from € 269.-


Mushing course "Hälla"

The four-season course with great variety of dates (participants steer their team themselves, also as a voucher)

from € 178.-


Mushing course "Björksele"

Take part in a sled dog ride – the wish of many animal lovers! This is where it can come true! (Participation as a passenger, also as a voucher)

from € 159.-

Service Qualität Deutschland

Our husky farm is certified by the ServiceQualität Deutschland initiative

Companies that have taken part in this certification and bear the Q have dealt intensively with the issues of service and quality and are working on continuous improvement. This is what the Q stands for - a sign for you as our guests that the people in this company are interested in your satisfaction and are doing something for you!